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Precitrame Machines SA

Grand-Rue 5
2720 Tramelan

+41 32 486 88 50

Expertise and excellence

Precitrame offers outstanding expertise and know-how to respond to the needs of its customers. This expertise is supported by comprehensive internal training programs.
All machine-tool functions are handled in-house, together with internal manufacturing of key components.

Durability and longevity

Precitrame equipment is designed to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Precitrame offers services throughout the lifetime of the equipment to guarantee the durability of the customer’s investment. These services can be consolidated with maintenance contracts and warranty extensions for the equipment supplied.


Precitrame Machines has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification, demonstrating its commitment to continual improvement of its processes and products for the benefit of its customers.

Swiss Made

In addition to in-house production, Precitrame uses a regional and national network of high-quality suppliers.
Precitrame is entitled to use the «Swiss Made» label for its products.

A solution for every request

With multiple machining technologies and operations in the same equipment, Precitrame solutions meet the growing needs of customers for complex components with high added value.
Our solutions help improve the product manufacturing process:
• reduced transfer time and work in progress
• high capability
• quality and output
• complete traceability

Partner customers

Thanks to its customer-focused organization, Precitrame offers a complete service in terms of:
• sales
• customer applications
• project management
• customer service
In addition to our standard offer, Precitrame can provide exclusive services:
• feasibility studies
• pre-series manufacturing
• Transfer of technology
• exclusive developments

International coverage

Precitrame employs around 250 people on different sites. The majority work at the headquarters in Tramelan (Switzerland) and the others are located in our subsidiaries in Zimmern ob Rottweil (Germany) and Shenzhen (China).






Image gallery

Transfer machines during the assembling process in our headquarters in Tramelan. ©ScanderbegSauer

Assembling of a rotary transfer machine MTR216. This type of machine allows you to machine bottom and top face of the part without to flip it. ©ScanderbegSauer

Our solutions are suitable for part with a high added value and for dimensions fitting in a cube of 50 mm of edges. Our motto is to start with a raw part and to have a finished part at the exit and thus avoid reworking steps. Leaders of automotive, consumer electronic, medical and watchmaking industries produce on manufactured by Precitrame Machines.

Fully automatized polishing machine with two robots steered by our home-made application Cybermotion®. It offers multiple possibilities to work, for ex. Individual, parallel or transfer modes.

Manually loaded polishing machine with two robots steered by our home-made application Cybermotion®. It offers multiple possibilities to work, for ex. Individual, parallel or transfer modes.

Our customer service is ready to support you during the whole life of the machine and also with preventive maintenance to guarantee the performance of our high precision machines.

The MTR200 series from Precitrame is your solution for top and bottom machining. Thanks to its clamping system and its machine configuration, the MTR200 series enables to machine your pieces the most precise from top and from bottom without to flip it. It offers new capabilities for all milling, drilling, boring and tapping operations on two sides and meets increased customer expectations for versatility and flexibility.

Precitrame’s MTR312H CNC rotary transfer machine will drastically change your mind as far as performance and costs are concerned. Highest productivity, flexibility and speed. These advantages have been recognized for several years in industries as demanding in the clock and watch making, medical, electronics and the automotive industry.

Inside view of a MTR406HR with its multiple horizontal and vertical spindles.

Precitrame offers customized and individually designed solutions to meet the customer needs. A large team of mechanical and electrical engineers work together with the customer to find the best suitable machining solution for its particular needs

The new location of Precitrame Deutschland GmbH that ensures the sale and after sale service for our German customers.

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