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Kunz Precision AG

Riedtalstrasse 16A
CH-4800 Zofingen

+41 62 746 00 20
+41 62 746 00 21

Measuring and Calibration Service SCS (ISO/IEC 17025)

Calibration is the most important basis for any precise manufacturing. Only those who can rely 100 percent on their machinery, measuring instruments and test equipment, can guarantee their customers quality. For 42 years Kunz precision AG has specialized in the field of measurement and calibration. Calibration means not only quality assurance to us, but is the basis for manufacturing products with the highest accuracy.
As a calibration centre SCS according to ISO/IEC 17025, Kunz precision AG is accredited for many Calibration and Measurement Capabilities with outstanding measurement uncertainties. With this competence Kunz precision AG is for many years one of the most comprehensive calibration centres in Switzerland.

Products: Unmatched solutions in highest precision

A specialty of Kunz precision AG is the development and manufacture of high-precision measuring instruments and special measuring systems. From the simple measuring device to a complex system, the company is developing – based on over 40 years of expertise in measurement technology – innovative and customized solutions for the engineering industry and for calibration laboratories worldwide. The product range also includes innovative, ultra-precise measuring equipment.

Customized Systems: Worldwide convincing measuring devices

Exceptional measurement tasks are our challenge. Kunz precision AG is known for innovative, customer-specific measuring devices.
Measuring instruments for testing the thread pitch of ball screw spindles with a length up to 8 meters, or mask measuring machines with nanometre resolution – our Kunz special measuring devices are used worldwide in the machinery industry and in measurement institutions.

The promise of Kunz precision AG:

With our measurement services and products, we contribute to metrology and find excellent solutions which inspire. Kunz precision AG excels with highest measuring accuracy – worldwide.


1   Precision made in Switzerland

1 Precision made in Switzerland

Accreditation SCS (ISO_IEC 17025)

Accreditation SCS (ISO_IEC 17025)

Directory SCS (ISO_IEC 17025)

Directory SCS (ISO_IEC 17025)


    Image gallery

    Angle measuring device APS-micro

    Concentricity gauge SPC for pipes up to 2000 mm

    Flange measuring device FM 600-250

    Linear unit magnetising unit

    Linear unit Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)

    Long trace profiler LTP-1400 (Paul Scherrer Istitut)

    Mask measuring machine MM 400-300

    Nut lead measurement device MMG-100

    Profile measuring system FL-800 (Straightness 0.3 µm auf 800 mm)

    Rotary table RT-300

    Spindle test machine STM 8000 (semi-automated)

    Spindle testing device STD 1000

    Straightness measurement module SMU-1400

    Test angle A99-1000 lightweight (1010 x 710 x 60 mm)

    Test cube SWISS-cube C5-250 (260 x 260 x 260 mm)

    Test cube SWISS-cube C5-300 (310 x 310 x 310 mm)

    Test square B1-150 on adapter plate

    Test square B3-600 (610 x 410 x 50 mm)

    Test square B5-300 with foot

    Test straight-edge G5-1200 lightweight

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